
Core Values

At our Maayan Trust, we are guided by a set of core values that shape our approach to our work and interactions with others. These values include:

We recognize that working together is essential to achieving our goals. We seek out partnerships and opportunities for collaboration to maximize our impact and reach.

We strive to understand and connect with the people we serve and the challenges they face. We believe that empathy is essential to creating effective and sustainable solutions.

We believe in being open and honest about our activities, finances, and decision-making processes. We prioritize transparency as a way to build trust and accountability with our stakeholders.

We believe in promoting fairness and equal access to opportunities for all, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to create a more just and equitable world where everyone has the chance to thrive.

We are committed to finding creative and innovative solutions to the challenges we face. We believe that by thinking outside the box and embracing new ideas, we can create lasting change.

We recognize that the work we do can be challenging and that setbacks are inevitable. We remain committed to our mission and approach challenges with resilience and determination.

We believe in empowering individuals and communities to create positive change from within. We work to provide resources, education, and support that enable individuals and communities to take ownership of their own development.

We take responsibility for our actions and decisions and hold ourselves accountable to our stakeholders. We are committed to measuring and reporting on our impact and outcomes and using this information to improve our work.

We value diversity and treat everyone with dignity and respect. We recognize that different perspectives and experiences contribute to our collective knowledge and strength.

We believe in promoting sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We strive to create solutions that are environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable.

We believe in continuous learning and improvement. We seek out opportunities to learn from our experiences, successes, and failures, and use this knowledge to improve our approach and achieve greater impact.

We recognize that creating positive change often requires courage and the willingness to take risks. We encourage our staff, volunteers, and partners to approach their work with courage and conviction, and to speak out against injustice and inequality.

We approach our work with compassion and a deep understanding of the suffering that many people face. We are committed to providing support and care to those who need it most, and to creating a world that is more just and equitable.

We believe in doing what is right, even when it is difficult. We uphold high ethical standards in our work and interactions with others, and we hold ourselves accountable to these standards.

We recognize that we do not have all the answers and that we can learn from others. We approach our work with humility and a willingness to listen to the perspectives of others.

We recognize that the world is constantly changing, and that our approach to our work must be flexible and adaptable. We are open to new ideas and approaches, and we are willing to change course when necessary.

We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating positive change, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to create an inclusive environment that values diversity and fosters collaboration.

Make a difference in your community today: Donate to Maayan Trust and help us create a brighter future for all.

Your support can make a real difference in the lives of those we serve. We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our programs and services. Together, we can create a brighter future for all. If you would like to make a donation to Maayan Trust, please visit our Donate page to learn more.

Reckon yourself to be a changemaker?

Get involved in any way that suits you

Maayan Trust is always in need of volunteers for various tasks when we conduct events to raise funds. People of all ages and skill levels are welcome to help us. There are different roles you can take while volunteering for Maayan Trust. We provide volunteering opportunities, helping talented candidates across the world apply their skills in a challenging work environment. A strong and inclusive organizational culture that fosters teamwork, diversity, and empowerment, and values the contributions and perspectives of all staff and volunteers.